Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dating-ism 101

My theory on relationships
It has come apparent to me that relationships and the dreadful amazement that they are, are not really run as they appear to be. It is about time that the true pilots of these things be unveiled. In my obscene quest to find out the truth behind these extravaganzas, I have come across some disturbing information. Again my findings come with staggering statistics that once again are completely facetious
Women. It has been women since day one. Women who are the front runners of this dating game. Believe it or not, women run 90-95% of ALL relationships. Now I know this figure astounds you but it is unfortunately true. Women are diabolically secretly giving men the impression that they are in control of things like money, date locations, clothing that they wear, and other sorts of things that men believe they control. EVEN the overall quality of the relationship: wether the relationship is going good, bad, or at an end, it is women that have been behind this whole ordeal.
Men and the simple creatures that they are in their narcissistic pig-headedness believing that they are ruler of everything-ness have been bamboozled by women. What man does not know is that in himself, man is dumb. Men unknowingly have in actuality no real power in relationships. Men are too simple to understand that they are not really running anything. A man in all his glory has only one thought: control. And in this only thought being his main focus, he has lost the control because he has no idea that everything else matters more than control.
I believe it was Jeff Foxworthy that said, “if she ain’t happy, you ain’t happy.” This saying is true because if a woman loses interest in a man, no matter what that man says, that relationship is over. If a man decideds to leave a woman, a simple eyelash bat will make him come crawling back. Any man that reads this will surely say “oh no not me!” Yes you too. Because even if a man thinks he has control, a woman’s submissiveness is her giving you the impression of control with her knowing she can take it back at any given time.
Never ask a man how his relationship with his partner is going. He doesnt know. He will assume always its going good. If you ask a woman, you will get a story. And it is apparent to me that relationships are NEVER going good. If you ask how a relationship is going and the response starts off with a sigh, that relationship is done for. Another finding to this factor is the whole thought on courting! Who peruses who? The guy. The guys has always perused the girl and it has always been the girl who decided if the guy was worth her time!
These women have been pulling the wool over our eyes for too long. I say it is time we take the power back. So lets get permission to go out with the guys and plot about how were going to ask for the power back.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Relationship-ism 101:

My theory on Relationships…

The famous time old battle of the sexes, the birds and…, women are from mars, and all that old junk. Heres the deal. I’ve figured this whole guy girl thing  and the rules/ statistics on dating and the rules of attraction and other junk on the subject. However the only problem with my theory, no matter how true it is, it will get me, men, and women no where in the quest to fine that “one.” Btw, this all came to me off the top of my head and in no way have I done any research on this matter.
Lets break this all down to statistics shall we? 
Lets take men first. Lets first shatter the saying “all men are dogs” saying. All men are not dogs HOWEVER, out of the full 100% of men, 78-80% are pitiful, good-for-nothing, no-good, liars, cheaters, dogs, and just plain not worthy of dating. Now the other 22-20% are generally good men with good intentions. These are your very straight, stand up guys, good, monogamous, gentlemen men. However, there is a monkey in this wrench. 12% of this 22-20% of men, are married. So in actuality, only 10-12% of the entire male population are actually worth perusing a long lasting relationship with.
Now on to the women…
Now women? Exactly the same as men. Believe it or not, the percentage of women like this breaks down the same with a little twist. 78-80% of WOMEN are floozies, skeezers, stunts, tricks, cheaters, play-etts, liars, “I just want to be single right now”’s, “you’re not my types”’s, type of girls. Un-date-able these people are. Same as men, 22-20% of women are truly good with good intentions. These are the women that want to settle down and just be loyal to one man. Also like men as well, 10% of this percentage, are married. However, the 12% of the single good women are naive, ignorant, and in a manner of speaking, just plain dumb. They are oblivious to reality basically and men as the pitiful species that they are.
Heres why.
This 12% with good intentions, in their naiveness, date the 78-80% of men that are unworthy of dating. In that happening, the un-dateable men ruin the reputations of the 12% of good men that are actually looking for true love. These women in their naiveness, are not aware of this overwhelming number of sleeze-balls that roam the earth. The good men are left with nothing to do than to pick up the pieces of these broken women that are left by undeserving men.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Me VS: GOD - The never ending struggle pt. I

Thinking about it being March and the third month in the year got me thinking about the many new years resolutions that I made only three months ago and how they if have not already died, drastically changed onto a new journey to a destination unknown. So far, I have kept them all to the best of my ability however, God in all his glory has a awesome way of taking my dreams, goals, hopes, and even resolutions and adding his own holy twist into them for His glory and sometimes, I am wise enough to just let Him.
Granted after I had carefully devised my miraculous new year’s resolutions, I set them before God and asked him “Father, what is your new year’s resolution for me?” As usual he left me sitting waiting for an answer before He gave it to me, I got impatient and said, “I guess you’ll tell me later.” And I went on with my will.
Funny how He works.
 I guess the biggest thing he has done with my resolutions is not say “no,” but rather say, “instead of this, do that.” I wanted to learn to play to guitar this year and I was really set on learning but God I suppose wants me to play drums instead. Sort of excitingly against my will, I was chosen to be a drummer in a dear friend of mines band. Now before like a week ago, I had never seriously attempted to actually play but it seems like every time I get on a set, my skill level greatly improves! Man is his biggest own critic but I am amazing myself when I play. I play/ practice for an average of 10-15 minutes a week on a Sunday morning but how I sound now is nothing compared to my childhood drummer dreams. Hilariously I’ve always farted around on the drums not taking it seriously but this whole “God given” talent is scary. God gives us talents and it’s up for us to develop them and produce fruit with them for His glory.
I find it funny every time when God shows me that he knows what’s better for me than I do. God 1 – Caleb 0

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Word of the Day! - Selfishness

I have a hard time thinking that present day Christians struggle with this word but seeing it get displayed almost every day warrants my newest blog. Before I start this, if you already feel offended, you have work to do.
It is so sad to see people deny what even sometimes requires so little to give to others. Whether it be time, money, food, clothing etc. it hurts me to a core when I see selfishness manifested. As a Christian, I am called to be first off Christ “like” and live my life according to His ultimate standard. When I think about that I think of him always giving… never taking, even to the point of him giving the most precious possession, his very life. Jesus has instructed us to be servants, givers of our-self. We are called to be self-LESS not self-ISH.
Selfishness is not a problem with only Christians but self proclaiming Christians should “know better.” Therefore my blog is directed at Christians who struggle with this or even think they don’t.
Taking time to actually mention situations that I have observed would take too much time that I don’t have to instill this very thought… the selfish will never be given anything. Am I preaching to others and not myself? Heavens no! I don’t think I struggle with this and that scares me because I probably am but hope to improve it. People just please keep in mind who we represent when we call ourselves Christians.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant Matthew 20:26
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive  Acts 20:35
But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to themLuke 6:27-45
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?... 1 John 3:17
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of othersPhilippians 2:4
Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from youMatthew 5:42
Thank you God for your word – these verses were not altered, but taken right from The Bible.
Selfishness - devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
Thank you for being bountiful in knowledge of words – this definition is brought to you courtesy of

God is love. Be love.

Friday, December 31, 2010


Less than 12 hours left in 2010 and I couldn’t be more excited. 2011 is around the corner... literally, and the "2010" year will only be a file in my brain filled with memories good and bad to sift through and evaluate.
Lessons learned and no regrets are probably the only thing I’ll be taking away into 2011. After all I can’t bring anything but myself into the New Year. No regrets and bad choices brought about character and discipline that improve the overall spectrum of Caleb. Hilarious it seems that some of the experiences that I’ve had have been incredibly low points in my life and some very good high points that put together still an unsolved puzzle.
            To think I had my life figured out in 2010 makes me shake my head in disbelief. Where I was then, and where I am now are completely two different people! What I wanted out of life, love, and life then almost seem childish to me now. I guess parents and older people were right when they told me I have “so much to learn.” Only 23 and I still feel like I’ve lived a full life and at the same time, feel like I’ve done nothing is a feeling I both love and hate. I really hope 2011 will be a clear year. Doubt it.
            What I am clear about is that I am happy 2010 is done and 2011 is about to begin. I’m ready to use this whole cliché moment in life to start fresh and begin a new chapter. 2010? Its been fun.

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Years Resolution

You see “usually” I don’t do New Years resolutions but I need this in order to motivate my self. Sad but true. “Usually” has gotten me to where I am and honestly, I can do better than this. To know that I can do better than my current standing is depressing. “Usually” is or rather was, was a repetitive mindset that kept me in the same place as the world went forward without me. So in 2011, “usually” will not be in my vocabulary. I can’t afford to be “usual” anymore. Rather let’s get unusual in 2011. I’m sure it will be more fun.
2011 will be an unusual, excellent, life changing, extravagant, glorious, fun filled and many other optimistic-adjectives-that-I-can’t-even-think-of year! This year I will break necks, turn heads, create smiles, shatter disbelief, and do many other things that involve shocking myself and the rest of the world. Life gave me lemons, I’m making pineapple juice suckas!  This year I will be bolder. Go, where no man has ever gone before… ha-ha. But in all seriousness, this year I have big plans for myself in the world of Caleb Anthony Foreman.
It’s almost silly to do an organized grocery list of resolutions and I got a bunch load to do but hey! It’s a whole year to do all this junk. 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days… I probably should break it down to a monthly thing to be more organized but whatever… lets cross that bridge when I walk that trail.
First and foremost is my weight. It’s bout time I got this under control. I am only moderately happy with how I look and I know that my level of self worth and self esteem will shoot through the roof if I fixed my image. The problem is, is that I’m even a little happy with how I look. It’s not too appealing to the eye and not even my own most days. No tears but yea, this crap has got to change. This will probably be the biggest and hardest change to do. That’s why it’s number one on my list and needs to happen asap. It’s deeper than wanting a 6-pack and biceps and stuff like that. I’m pretty outgoing with my “kegger” but I know if I wasn’t so worried about my weight, I would talk to more people and be fearless almost when sharing my faith/testimony. I feel like people only see my stomach when they look at me so… stomach… is going toddles. “Usually” I would be comfortable being uncomfortable in my own skin. But 2011 is coming, going to get unusually in shape!
Second will be debt. Like my weight this has gotten out of control and needs to be nipped in the bud. It’s nothing too extreme but and I don’t plan to solve it in this year but I need to be on a definite path on getting out of debt soon. I know for a fact that I am tired of making car payments so that is one thing I need to get paid off this year… my car. I guess the goal is to put together a plan that is idiot proof. I got better things to do with my money like blessing others in need! “Usually” I wouldn’t care and I would just be paycheck to paycheck but I have got to do something different. Debt is depressing me.
Third will be school. I’ve wasted too much time not being in school and it’s about time I went back and actually finished… I want my AA at least. It’s easy and there is no reason other than I am lazy as to why I don’t have it yet. Sacrifice requires discipline and I need that too. School… definitely is happening this year. “Usually” school was on the back burner and I always talked about going to school but 2011 I want to be a student. I miss school.
On to some fun stuff… Fourth will be learning to play the guitar. I want to use a new instrument to worship my God. I’ve spent too much money on the guitars that I have and to not know how to play them, well is a slap in my own face. Learning that… “Usually” they would sit in the corner of my room but I am playing the dust off of them this year.
Last but definitely not even least. Jesus and my relationship with him needs to be taken to a new level. This is definitely the absolute most important but I saved it to give it the most thought. This year I plan to have daily time with the one who created me. He spends 24/7 365 with me and it is really sickening that I only spend maybe 1/4th of a Sunday with him and really getting to know him. I mean I’ve been on this 40 night prayer thing and I really could use that in my daily walk with him. So getting to know my God better is definitely a new years resolution for me. I want to know what he’s like because I'm created to be like him and I think so far I’m failing miserably. So yea. “Usually” my relationship with God was weak. I treated him like the friend that I barely knew and it was good to catch up on old times whenever I ran into him.
            Well there you have it. My new years resolution/s. So simple and so hard because this all requires doing what I wouldn’t “usually” do. Of course there are things that I want almost itemized but this will do for now. God bless you all and pray for me.